Our Concept

Our aim is to find the best solution for the customer in terms of quality and efficiency, functionality and design. We do not limit ourselves to production but are already available in the planning phase with many years of experience and high-quality advice. Our carbon components are designed and manufactured in such a way that they meet all specifications and the highest demands – and thus become an important player in a wide variety of industries with a wide range of possible applications. Thanks to our extensive expertise, we can competently cover every single step from development to series production:

Product Life Cycle

Before producing a component, we develop an individual concept in close cooperation with the customer. In a subsequent simulation, we test all parameters that are relevant for production: the use of machines and their capacity utilization, the availability of personnel and raw materials as well as the production cycles.

We owe this intensive planning phase absolute precision and great transparency, which are highly valued by the customer. Once approved, the process is implemented, and production begins. On-time delivery of the required quantity – just-in-time or just-in-sequence, as required – is a matter of course for eacc. If our components need to be disposed of later, we will continue to provide our customers with reliable support.


eacc HQ
Fritz-Müller-Straße 11-27
73730 Esslingen am Neckar

Tel.: +49 711 185 678 0
E-Mail: info.eacc.ug@mail.toray

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