Our Values

We strive for continuous improvement, are entrepreneurial, courageous and performance-orientated. The basis for this is our strong team, whose training, health and safety are particularly important to us. The UN Convention on Human Rights and the core labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) are just as binding for us as our own compliance.

With all our innovative products and services, which we develop and manufacture for our customers in the interests of sustainable infrastructure and resource efficiency, we act responsibly towards our company, the environment and society. Openness and appreciation, reliability and honesty, integrity and credibility characterise how we work together.

Conduct in the business environment

Compliance with law and order

Compliance with laws and regulations is an essential basic principle of economically responsible action. We observe the applicable legal prohibitions and obligations at all times, even if this involves short-term economic disadvantages or difficulties for the company or individual persons.

Avoidance of conflicts of interest

We make business decisions exclusively in the company’s best interest. Conflicts of interest with private matters or other economic or any other activities, including those of relatives or otherwise closely related persons or organisations, must be avoided. In particular, circumstances in which executives are in a family relationship with their employees must be avoided.

Quality conformance

The quality of our products and services and especially their safety requirements are an integral part of our thinking and actions. To guarantee this, quality-related data must be recorded, stored and validated transparently and consistently to be able to fully inform our customers. We do not tolerate any falsification or alteration of quality-related data.

Fair competition

We do not tolerate any conduct that involves unfair treatment of customers, suppliers or business partners through corruption or violations of cartel law. We do not use bribes or cartel agreements to win contracts. Violations are not tolerated and entail sanctions against the persons concerned. All members of the management, all executives and all other employees must be aware of the extraordinary consequences that a case of corruption or violation of cartel law can have for eacc, for the Toray Group and for them personally.

Proper asset management

All business transactions must be carried out properly in compliance with the relevant laws and accounting principles.
Company assets such as inventories and fixed assets must be properly managed, used and kept for business purposes.

Prevention of money laundering

eacc complies with its legal obligations to prevent money laundering and does not participate in money laundering activities. Every employee is requested to have unusual financial transactions that may give rise to suspicion of money laundering reviewed by the finance or compliance department in case of doubt. Cash transactions are generally prohibited.

Internal control

eacc employs internal control systems to ensure compliance with laws and internal regulations, protect the company’s assets and prevent misuse.

Conduct in dealing with colleagues and employees

Equal treatment and non-discrimination

A culture of equal opportunities, mutual trust and respect is very important to us. We promote equal opportunities and prevent discrimination when hiring or promoting employees or offering vocational and further training opportunities. We treat all employees equally, regardless of gender, age, skin colour, culture, ethnic origin, sexual identity, disabilities, religion or belief.

Human and labour rights

We respect the internationally recognised human rights and support compliance with them. We strictly reject all forms of forced and child labour. We recognise the right of all employees to form trade unions and employee representative bodies on a democratic basis within the framework of the statutory regulations. The right to adequate pay is recognised for all employees. In this respect, we take the level of comparable national economic/industry sectors and regions as a basis.

Collaboration with employee representatives

Trusting and close collaboration with employee representatives is an essential part and established foundation pillar of eacc’s corporate policy. The basis for mutual trust and close collaboration is open and constructive dialogue characterised by mutual respect.

Occupational safety and health

The safety and health of our employees is an equally important corporate goal as the quality of our products and the economic success of our company.
Occupational safety and health are an integral part of all business processes and are included in technical, economic and social considerations from the outset – as early as the planning phase.
Each and every one of our employees is required to promote safety and health in their working environment and comply with the occupational safety and health regulations.
Every executive employee is obliged to instruct and support their employees in exercising this responsibility.
The same safety standards apply to employees of subcontractors commissioned by eacc as to our own employees. This is taken into account when selecting and collaborating with subcontractors.

Conduct within the company

Sustainable environmental and climate protection

Sustainable environmental and climate protection as well as resource efficiency are important corporate goals for us.
Both when developing new products and services and operating production facilities, we make sure that the resulting impact on the environment and climate is kept to a minimum and that our products enable our customers to make a positive contribution to environmental and climate protection.
Every employee is responsible for handling natural resources efficiently and contributing to environmental and climate protection with their individual conduct.

Public appearance and communication

We respect the right to freedom of expression and the protection of personal rights and privacy.
Every employee should be aware that they can also be perceived as part and representative of eacc in their private lives and is therefore requested to maintain the company’s image and reputation with their conduct and appearance in the public, including in social networks.
In private statements of opinion, we make sure not to associate the respective function or activity in the company with the private statement.

Handling of information


We attach importance to open and truthful reporting and communication on the company’s business processes to shareholders, employees, customers, business partners, the general public and governmental institutions.
Every employee must make sure that both internal and external reports, records and other documents of the company comply with the applicable statutory regulations and standards, i.e. they are always complete, accurate, up-to-date and system-compatible.

Confidential company information

We take appropriate steps to protect confidential information and business documents from being accessed and viewed by unauthorised colleagues and other third parties.

Data protection and information security

The protection of personal data, in particular those of employees, customers and suppliers, is of particular importance to eacc. Personal data must not be collected or processed unless permitted by law or with the consent of the data subject.

Protection of company property

We use the company’s property and resources appropriately and efficiently and protect them from loss, theft or misuse.
We use the company’s material and immaterial property solely for business purposes and do not use them for personal purposes unless expressly permitted.

Implementation and contact person

eacc actively promotes the communication of information provided in the Code of Conduct by regularly instructing the employees.
Our executive employees have a special role model function and their actions are measured by the Code of Conduct to a great extent. They are the first points of contact for any questions concerning the regulations and make sure that all employees know and understand the Code of Conduct.
As part of their management duties, they prevent unacceptable conduct or take appropriate measures to prevent violations of the rules in their area of responsibility. Trusting and close collaboration between executives and employees is reflected by honest and open information and mutual support.
Suspected violations of laws or guidelines in the field of cartel law and corruption that affect individual persons and eacc can also be reported by external persons via eacc’s whistleblowing system. The corresponding contact details are provided on eacc’s website. All information will be kept strictly confidential.


Contact with our compliance team

If you have any questions in this regard, please contact us. We treat your data as strictly confidential.

00800 200 200 22

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